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Surgical - Breast

Breast Reduction Surgery

Prices from £8,212
Kat & Co is an award-winning day-case plastic surgery clinic based in the heart of the Edgbaston Medical Quarter in Birmingham.
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Woman holding enlarged, uplifted breast
Award Winning Clinic
We have received numerous awards from leading national publications
CQC Regulated
Rated 'Outstanding' for Well Led by  the Care Quality Commission in 2024
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Free consultations with our consultant surgeons, aesthetic doctors and skin therapists
GMC Registered Surgeons
Our consultants are all registered with the General Medical Council
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What is a breast reduction?

Overview Procedure Before/After Mentor Breast Implants FeesConsent Form Post-Operative Instructions Consultants Testimonials Frequently Asked Questions

Breast reduction surgery is a commonly performed procedure which, in addition to reducing the size and weight of the breasts, also improves their shape and droop.

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Why should I consider a breast reduction?

There are many reasons why a patient may choose to have a breast reduction. For patients who suffer from various physical symptoms associated with having large breasts such as backache and neck pains, the relief following surgery is often immediate. Large breasts can also restrict some womens' ability to exercise, find comfortable and well-fitted clothing, and make them feel self-conscious. Despite these many issues, it is becoming increasingly difficult to receive Breast Reduction surgery from the NHS.

Breast reduction procedure

Typically, a breast reduction procedure will involve:

  • Removing excess tissue, skin and fat from the breasts
  • Reshaping and uplifting the remaining breast tissue
  • Moving the nipple position

A breast reduction procedure can be performed in a number of ways depending on factors including your age, skin elasticity and the droopiness of your breasts. The way in which your procedure is performed will impact the appearance and position of the scars. Our surgeons are highly experienced in breast reduction surgery and will advise you which procedure will work best for you.

Procedure Time

2 - 2.5 hrs


Twilight Sedation

Nights in Hospital

Daycase (no overnight stay)

Pain and Discomfort

3 - 7 days

Common problems after breast reduction surgery

Bruising, swelling, temporary numbness

Risks - Uncommon

Infection, bad scarring, asymmetry, bleeding, nipple areola loss, fat necrosis, delayed wound healing

Follow-up Appointments

1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months (after surgery)

Time Off Work

1 - 2 weeks

Sports and Exercise

2 weeks post-op - walking, 4 weeks post-op - fast walking, 6 weeks post-op - everything


12 weeks until final result. Scars continue to improve over 18 months

What breast reduction scars can I expect?

Patients should expect a small amount of scarring after breast reduction surgery. The different breast reduction techniques, in combination with the size of the breasts being operated on, result in differently positioned scars. The level of scarring will vary from patient to patient.

The most common breast reduction scars are around the nipple and vertically, linking the nipple scar to the breast fold. This is called a 'vertical scar' reduction. Some patients may not be suitable for this if they have larger breasts, and will require a scar underneath the breasts, across the bottom of the breast fold.

We will advise the best course of action to reduce scars after your surgery, including the Skinade MD Programme.

Breast reduction scar

Breast reduction scar example

Breast reduction surgery cost

Breast Reduction

From £8,212

Breast reduction before and after

At Kat & Co we carry out breast reductions under Twilight Anaesthesia. Patients will be asleep and will not remember their procedure, but they will be able to breathe for themselves meaning that you will be able to go home the same day and recover in your own home or a nearby hotel.

Our consultants will typically recommend one to two weeks off work for breast reduction patients. However, this may change depending on the individual and the extent of the reduction you are having.

Post-operative instructions

Instructions on discharge
  • On the day of discharge the drains will be removed and the sports bra is worn over the dressings and to be worn day and night for the next 3 months.
  • All dressings to be kept dry until further instructed.
  • TED stockings to be worn for 2 weeks.
  • Discharge with standard painkillers.
Dressings Clinic
  • Usually about a week after the surgery the strapping around the breasts is removed and a lighter dressing put onto the scar. There may be a 2nd dressing check a week later if necessary.
  • No stretching arms for the first six weeks.
  • Normal daily activities like driving etc are allowed after the first week.
  • Lower body exercises for example treadmill, cycling, etc from the third week onwards.
  • Upper body exercises like swimming after the first six weeks.
General scar care for first 3 months
  • Micropore tape to the scars for at least three months until well healed.
  • The micropore tape must stay on for showers and baths and is simply patted dry. This should not be changed until it is very loose and almost falling off by itself.
  • Moisturise scar after first 3 months.
  • Moisturise the surrounding breast skin usually from the second week onwards.
Special Instructions
  • Normal bra and bikini can be worn for holidays and the odd special occasion for the first 3 months.
  • Avoid underwired bras for the first 3 months.

If you are a prospective patient, please download the informed consent form below. This includes information about the treatment, potential risks and contraindications.

Breast Reduction Surgeons

Breast Reduction Reviews

9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Alternate Saturdays (call for details)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday & Holiday