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Cheeks Concerns
Overview and Recommendations
The cheeks are a influencial area, important for determining the structure of the whole face. Strong, well-positioned cheekbones are highly desirable and can give the individual a youthful and contoured appearance.
The appearance of the cheeks can change dramatically as you age due to a reduction in the volume of the underlying tissues, and a change to the overall texture of the skin. The natural production of collagen and elastin, responsible for maintaining firm and tight skin, declines over time. Once tight and youthful cheeks can lose their properties and become flatter with looser, older skin.
Other lifestyle factors, such as alcohol consumption, exposure to high levels of UV light, a poor diet, or smoking can increase the rate at which the production of collagen and elastin declines. Other genetic factors can also cause people to have weaker cheekbones and want their look to be enhanced.
Kat&Co's award winning team offers a variety of treatments to rejuvenate and enhance the look and feel of your cheeks. We also offer tailor-made treatment plans to suit your individual requirements and skin characteristics. Our goal is always to achieve the most natural and beautiful result possible.