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(Arm Lift)

A brachioplasty, commonly known as an Arm Lift, is a surgical procedure which reduces loose skin and excess fat from the upper arm to enhance its appearance and create a more defined, visually attractive arm.
Prices from £4,895
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woman exercising after arm lift surgery
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What is an arm lift (brachioplasty)?

Overview Procedure Before/AfterFeesConsent Form Post-Operative Instructions Reviews Consultants FAQs

The goal of a brachioplasty or arm lift is to reduce excess skin and to reduce the circumference of the arm. When there is good skin tone or minimal skin sagging, fat deposits can be reduced by liposuction or vaser liposuction. But marked skin redundancy or laxity can only be improved by surgery.

Excess skin or fat in the arm can be caused by:

  • Weight gain (excess fat)
  • Weight loss (excess skin)
  • Ageing causes the upper arm skin to become loose and reduces its elasticity
  • Excess fat or loose skin can be natural due to genetics

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, can reduce these conditions with liposuction and excision of excess skin to create a tight and contoured appearance to the upper arm.

Brachioplasty Procedure

Procedure Time

1.5 hours


Twilight Sedation

Nights in Hospital

Daycase (no overnight stay)

Pain and Discomfort

3 - 7 days

Common problems after an arm lift

Bruising, swelling, temporary numbness, temporary skin irregularity

Risks - Uncommon

Infection, excessive scarring, asymmetry, bleeding, permanent numbness, permanent nerve damage, delayed wound healing

Follow-up Appointments

1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months (after surgery)

Time Off Work

2 - 3 weeks

Sports and Exercise

2 weeks post-op - walking, 4 week post-op - fast walking/jogging, 6 weeks post-op - everything


12 weeks until final result. Scars continue to improve over 18 months

Arm lift before and after examples

These arm lift before and after photos will give you an idea of the results that can be achieved with this procedure, and whether arm lift surgery is right for you. Your consultant will also be able to show you a wide range of photos in your consultation.

How much does a brachioplasty cost?

Brachioplasty (arm lift) surgery starts from £4,200 for a mini lift. Please get in touch to confirm your fee. All patients will require a consultation prior to surgery to assess your individual requirements and desires.

Mini Arm Reduction

From £4,895

Arm Reduction

From £6,302

What are the benefits of arm lift surgery?

There are many cosmetic and psychological benefits of an arm lift or brachioplasty, including:

  • More contoured and slender arms
  • Improved skin elasticity and tightness
  • Confidence wearing tighter or sleeveless clothes
  • Improved wellbeing

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) Recovery

At Kat & Co we carry out arm lifts under Twilight Anaesthesia. Patients will be asleep and will not remember their procedure, but they will be able to breathe for themselves meaning that you will be able to go home the same day and recover in your own home or a nearby hotel.

Our consultants will typically recommend two to three weeks off work for brachioplasty surgery patients. However, this may change depending on the individual and the extent of the reduction you are having.

Post-operative instructions

Instructions on discharge
  • Elevate arms above heart level with pillows when sleeping and sitting.
  • TED stockings to be worn for 2 weeks.
  • All dressings to be kept dry until further instructed.
  • Discharge with standard painkillers.
  • You may have a gentle shower and pat dressings dry.
Dressings Clinic
  • Usually about a week after surgery the wounds will be checked.
  • All sutures are dissolvable unless otherwise informed.
  • Avoid stretching the arms for the first 6 weeks.
  • Normal activities like driving etc are allowed after the first 2 weeks.
Wound Care
  • Micropore tape to the scars - once well healed – for at least 3 months. The micropore tape is to stay on for showering and baths and simply patted dry and not to be changed until it is very loose and almost falling off by itself. Frequent removal of the micropore tape can irritate the scar.
  • Moisturise scar after first 3 months.
  • Moisturising to the surrounding skin usually from the second week onwards.

Arm Lift Reviews

If you are a prospective patient, please download the informed consent form below. This includes information about the treatment, potential risks and contraindications.

Arm Lift Surgeons

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an arm lift (brachioplasty)?

Am I suitable for an arm lift?

What areas can an arm lift treat?

How should I prepare for my brachioplasty surgery?

When can I go home after surgery?

How long does arm lift surgery take?

When will I see the results of my arm lift surgery?

Are the results of an arm lift permanent?

Is the surgery painful?

How will my body react to the implants?

Is brachioplasty surgery safe?

Will I have a scar after arm lift surgery?

9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Alternate Saturdays (call for details)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday & Holiday